Viltrox AF 13mm F1.4 APS-C Lens For Nikon Z-Mount

Prix réduit$459.00


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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Craig Carlson
Great Value

I bought the Viltrox 13mm f1.4 in the Nikon Z mount for my Z50. My findings of its image quality and build are consistent with the many reviews on Youtube - excellent resolution across the image, and even in the corners if you move up to f2. But even at f1.4 the corners are very acceptable. Color and clarity are neutral/consistent with my Nikon lenses. This is my first f1.4 lens; the ability to blur backgrounds - even with an apsc sensor camera - are great and open up creative latitude I haven't had to date. Build quality is incredibly solid and has a substantial-feeling heft to it.

Todd Teulon
Far exceeds expectations!

I had read a number of good reviews on the Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 Z mount lens before making the purchase decision, however, this lens has far exceeded my expectations. It is very sharp, even wide open, with minimal softening on the edges and almost no coma. The AF is fast and accurate and I love the option of being able to have both a choice of manual aperture ring or setting it through the camera. I would have pets preferred to have a stepped aperture ring, but I do understand stepless is the preference of the cinematographers. I originally bought this lens to mainly use for astrophotography, but find it is excellent for street and landscape photography as well. Overall it’s been a great purchase and my only wish is that it would have been a full frame format lens. Bravo Viltrox!

Roger Greenwald
Fast, wide, sharp

I've been using the lens on my Zfc and am very impressed with the image quality. Images are rectilinear, vignetting is trivial and smooth, and it works as hoped. Note to that LightRoom has a profile for this lens that further improves the image, albeit ever so slightly. Build quality is solid, as I've come to expect from Viltrox. And the price is right, in particular when purchased over the holiday sale.

Carlos Elez Elez
Fantástica lente para nikon z5

Una maravilla de lente, un enfoque muy silencioso, con mucha nitidez, cada vez me gusta más las lentes de Viltrox

Joseph Andrews
Great lens for Nikon Z50

Good wide angle lens. I have been using it mainly for landscapes and I am completely satisfied with the results. Very good value for what it is priced at. I have saved a lot of money buying this over a $1000+ nikon lens :)

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